Mobilize the Immigrant Vote 2008 Campaign Join MIV Donate
Our Vote = Our Voice
About Immigrants and Voting
Our Campaigns
Immigrant Voting Resources
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To join the campaign, simply complete the form below or print the sign up sheet and palm card order form and return it by faxing it to (213) 353-1344 or mailing it to:

CAP/Nancy Berlin, 2533 W. 3rd Street, Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90057.

The palm cards -- printed in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Korean and Vietnamese -- provide voters with Know Your Rights information. When you sign on, you’ll also receive a FREE MIV Toolkit developed by PILA with 300+ pages of voter registration, education, and mobilization tools and lessons.

Sign Up Form
Executive Director
Contact Person
Telephone     Fax
City     State     Zip
Organization Information
Is Your Organization:

Which immigrant communities will your organization outreach to for voter education and mobilization activities?  Check all that apply.

latino vietnamese korean chinese
laotian arab hmong cambodian
pilipino south asian bosnian african
iranian afghan former soviet union
Other (please specify)

Which voter education and mobilization activities are your organizations interested in conducting?
Check all that apply.

register new voters
organize voter education workshops/community forums
distribute multi-lingual voter education materials with information on the voting process and ballot initiatives
organize Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities, such as door knocking and phone banking
Other (please specify)

YES! My organization will donate $30  $60 to the MIV Campaign to help offset the printing costs for the MIV materials. Please make your check out to: PILA/MIV and mail to: 2601 Mission Street, Suite 404, San Francisco, CA 94110, or donate online via Paypal:

Organizations that join the MIV support ballot issues that address the most important needs of immigrants and their families, including access to a quality education; living wage jobs; health care and public benefits; safe and affordable housing. We support protecting the civil rights of all immigrants and creating fair and just immigration policies.



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